Programme of the workshop

The Mongols and the Silk Roads

Venue: May 10th–11th, 2018

University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts

(Szeged, Egyetem Street 2, 6722)

10.05.2018 Thursday

16:40 Welcome speeches (Dr. Klára Sándor, Vice dean of the Faculty of Arts; Prof. István Zimonyi, Head of the Department for Altaic Studies)

17:00 Keynote lecture by Prof. István Vásáry: The Mongol Period: Heyday of the Silk Roads.

18:00 Reception


11.05.2018 Friday

09:00 – 10:30 Marie Favereau (Oxford University): Money as a Medium of Exchange in the Fourteenth-Century Golden Horde

Aleksandar Uzelac (Institute of History, Belgrade): Jochids and the Crimea in the Second Half of the Thirteenth-Century

Csaba Göncöl (University of Szeged–MTA–SZTE–Ottoman Era Research Group): Tolu Bay, Emīr of Berdi Bek Khan

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30 István Zimonyi (University of Szeged–MTA–ELTE–SZTE Silk Road Research Group): The Great Town – Men Kermen in “The Secret History of the Mongols”

Konstantin Golev (Institute for Historical Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): The Cuman-Qïpchaqs, the Khwārazmshāhs and the Cities on the Lower Course of Syr Darya

Yihao Qiu (Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai): Postal System, Rabat (Inns) and Caravansaries on the Post-Mongol Silk Road. Accounts of the Routes linked the Ming Empire and Timurid Central Asia

12:30 – 14:30 – Lunch break

14:30 – 16:00 Francesca Fiaschetti (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Mongols at Sea: the maritime Silk Roads and mid-Yuan China

Phil Slavin (University of Kent): The Road to Hell: The Origins and Spread of Cattle Disease along the Silk Road, c.1280-1310

Márton Vér (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities): The ortak-Merchants in the Old Uyghur documents

16:00 16:30 – Coffee break

16:30 – 17:30 Yoichi Isahaya (JSPS/ Rikkyô University): Bīrūnī’s Revival along the Mongol Silk Roads

Szilvia Kovács (University of Szeged–MTA–ELTE–SZTE Silk Road Research Group): Friars on the road(s) in the Mongol world (13–14th centuries)

17:30 – 18:30 – Final discussion

18:30 – Reception